Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm on the tenth day of not watching my shows. I'm doing really good.
Today when I picked Meggie up from school she was very happy, because Ms. Palmer said No Homework. She so dislikes school.

I lay in bed at night telling myself that I'll be a better blogger. Know that I want be. I always wonder if anyone really reads my blog and if they really care. Thomas tells me no one reads blogs they don't care and don't have to time to listen to your dribbles. I know I really don't do much.
Well so far this is what happen to the Babbling Redhead this year. My ice maker broke and I really like my ice. It snow a little on the 7 and 8. I color my hair and got the right color. I like the color I had when I was young, it's really hard to get that out of a bottle. I also got my ears pierced again, just need some new earrings. I finally got some bookcases. I really like them. I also order a sofa, chair, and ottoman for the living room. So far between my girls we loss 6 teeth. Before Chirstmas we got our 2 family picture take, they turned our good.